Conflict Colorado Mobile Battlefield



Mobile Missions & Basic to Advanced Training

With our Mobile Battle Division, the battle can come right to your business, home, park or venue. You can do both our 4 hour, Standard Deployment Missions, or a full day adventure. Depending upon your venue and terrain, we can use your existing features whether indoor or out. Or you can take the game to a whole new level, and have us build a custom battlefield for you. We can create anything from simple obstacles to more elaborate rooms and strongholds. Whether you are planning the next team building adventure or project, a party, or organizing a group event, our mobile division can make your event exceptional.

Our Standard Deployments offer 4 hour events which give your group access to communication gear, more mission types, weapons and devices. If you really want to experience what we have to offer, than this is for you. A variety of weapon types are available for a variety of fitness and skill levels.

If you have specific needs, want a more elaborate battlefield, a custom mission plan, or need more than 32 people attending then press the Book Now button at the top of this page,  so we can help you design a custom mobile event just for you.

Keep in mind that running a mobile event can be a lot more complex, and building your battlefield may take 30 minutes. It also might take several hours. Taking it down takes just as long. We can work with you to figure out what works best for your event and your budget. Your adventure will start with check in, where you will be separated into your teams. The two teams will then receive their respective briefings, weapon demonstration and selection, as well as any additional gear such as the tac-comm units.

Food & Drink

Depending upon how we fit into your event, you may want yes to provide lunch or dinner. We know that in venues of this type, the food is marginal at best. We want your culinary experience to be just as great as the rest of your experience, so inquire about how we can complete your meal. We might be simulating realistic military combat, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck eating MRE’s. Then again, some of our clients want that complete immersion and love that MRE’s can be a feature of their day. In either case, drinks can be available before or after your event if desired, too. Just let us know what you need.


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